
Another portfolio site I made to document and promote my musical work and projects. Seeing as I had creative freedom with this one, I splurged a bit by incorporating some video elements and embedded sound samples. As usual I’ve opted for a fairly clean and minimalist layout,ย  making sure the design remains responsive on all devices and viewports.


Totum is a musical duo based on the North Coast of NSW. They had their own artwork, typography and concept for a website together but needed someone to translate their ideas to the web.

I applied their concept and layout ideas to a simple single-page CSS3 slider template, making sure the design would translate across all devices. I also converted their existing artwork and visual designs into a more web-friendly format.

The finished product is a unique and quirky website that is also functional and interactive in its design.


Northmost was a band that existed from 2011 – 2013. I played drums in the band and was also put in charge of most of our media content, which resulted in me putting together this site (and directing/editing/producing this video).

We wanted a site that had all of the stuff that most bands need to have online, but delivered in a way that stood out. It also needed to match pre-existing visual concepts we had, in an effort to communicate imagery that could effectively coincide with our music.

I was particularly interested in learning and exploring the possibilities of CSS3 at the time, which is predominantly what this slide-based layout relies on. For that reason alone, working on this website was a huge turning point for me in terms of the development of my skills as a designer/developer.